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The Freudian Slip: "Our Salespeople Are Not Pushy" Says the Small Business Owner

Updated: Oct 7, 2021

This text is from our consulting firm's latest 321 Biz Development episode found on 18 podcast platforms like Spotify, iTunes, Amazon Music, Pandora and iHeart Radio. 321 Biz Dev has over 500 podcast episodes across multiple platforms. There is too much content to write for this article, so readers are referred to the podcast for the complete story. 321 Biz Dev supports supporting attorneys, CPAs, corporate dental franchisers, independent dentists, home health providers, homebuilders, medical groups, plastic surgeons, medical billers, insurance brokers, real estate brokers, restaurants, tattoo shops, boutique shops, indie artists, hair stylists, HVAC companies, and plumbers.

I'm not going to say sales organizations are outright lying. That would be unfair and imprecise to what is really going on.

Saying your sales reps are not pushy...then, behind the scenes the business owner is telling sales reps to invoke the ABC rule: Always Be Closing, IS lying.

I do not think small business owners nor sales managers intend for their sales reps to be pushy at appointments. But companies do want their sales reps to close transactions.

Here in Sacramento, there are several companies running radio ads telling potential customers that "their reps are not pushy salespersons".

Psychologists often use the phrase "Freudian slip" which is:

"a slip of the tongue that is motivated by and reveals some unconscious aspect of the mind".

A Freudian slip is often interpreted as the opposite of what is said or confirms what is denied.

If a mechanic advertises that he or she provides "honest work at fair prices", this proclamation could be interpreted by potential customers as repair quotes are dishonest and prices are high.

Why do small business owners make unsolicited claims? To take away some misconceptions about rough sales approaches? To mask the lack of sales professionalism?

Is there another way for small business owners to present company products and services where potential customers can discern on their own if salespeople are pushy or not pushy?

The answer is yes!

Customers are not stupid. A small business can say all they want about their salespeople are not pushy. Simply saying a company's salespeople are not pushy does not mean consumers will feel differently about appointments.

Being a pushy or a non-pushy salesperson is not a proclamation.

The only way for a small business owner to assure consumers have great sales experiences is to train salespeople how to be professional.

321 Biz Dev is the home of SWAS, which is the acronym for "Selling Without Appearing to Sell".

321 Biz Dev developed SWAS in 2016 to help white-collar small business owners marketing big ticket, high priced items. There is very little room for mistakes such as salesperson being pushy which could lead to a small business owner not closing a $2,500 or $25,000 transaction.

SWAS has a twin called CWAC which is a system to support Republican Congressional candidates running for office. CWAC is the acronym for Campaigning Without Appearing to Campaign.

If you want more information to improve sales performance or campaign performance, please call or send me a message from my website.

Rick Nappier, CEO

321 Biz Dev LLC: 415-465-1700

Real People USA LLC: 602-805-7000

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