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Why Podcasting and Intentional Distribution To Contacts Are Best For Small Business Owners

Podcasting gives small business owners the power to communicate to the public on their own terms. Podcasting allows business owners to express themselves in unique ways.

One of the key benefits I like about podcasting is it improved my communication skills. Stick a microphone and/or video camera in your face and let me know for yourself. At first, podcasting will awkward because it takes an understanding to development content listeners find appealing.

I recall my first podcast episode in 2009. The episode took 30 minutes to record, but almost 90 minutes to edit to a final 8-minute episode!

Hollywood actors definitely got my respect to be able to memorize scripts, manage facial gestures, and deliver quality content in front of cameras.

One of the most powerful podcasting benefits is content refinement. Most business owners can communicate product and services features. Unfortunately, many consumers subconsciously are turned off by how much owners know. Product knowledge is a given.

What appeals to podcast listeners is learning about the business owner and how he or she started the company. It's within this content that listeners are more likely to find podcast episodes enjoyable.

Here is some business owner content attractive to podcast listeners:

  • What were the difficulties launching the company?

  • What occupations did the business owner have before getting starting company?

  • What consumer problems did the business owner see he or she could fix?

  • What personal situations did the business owner overcome to be successful today?

But don't expect lots of random listeners to rank your content in the top 10 or the top 100 or even the top 1,000 most listened podcasts.

The podcast environment is crowded with thousands of voices and the top podcasters have culture- or political-driven content.

321 Biz Development recommends white-collar business owners personally distribute podcast content to contacts they meet. Please do not expect your social media followers to increase your listener counts. You want to distribute your podcast content to people you meet in meaningful ways.

White-collar small business owners should use their podcast content like business cards. Introduce new contacts to your podcast episodes just like you would hand out your business card.

Most podcast platforms have RSS feeds which can be placed on business websites.

Simply put, white-collar small business owners can use podcast episode to build their brands much more effectively than social media. Why is this? Because podcast content is intentionally distributed to contacts you meet.

By adding podcast distribution to marketing plans, business owners can work towards building qualified prospects, again, much more purposefully than social media.

321 Biz Development provides sales system and business development programs using podcasting as a marketing tool.

Please don't hesitate to contact 321 Biz Development if you have questions or want help adding clients.

Thanks for reading this article and listening to this podcast episode.

Rick Nappier, President

321 Biz Development

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