This text is from our consulting firm's latest 321 Biz Development episode found on fifteen podcast platforms. There is too much content to write for this article, so readers are referred to the podcast episode for complete story.
This article is probably the "mother of all blog posts". This article serves as the document to help small business owners zero in on the steps to build a foundation to have successful businesses.
One of the next blog posts will be titled, "The Creatives". Please look for this article which explains who "Creatives" are and our role in the business world.
These four items business owners must solidify to achieve success come from a "creative" point of view.
I am using the word solidify to be equal to how cement works. Everyone knows what happens when cement becomes hard through the drying process. Just about anything built on hardened cement stands firm.
The following items, once understood, will put small business owners on the path to success:
Your product or service must do what you claim it does
Your product or service must provide unquestionable value.
Your product or service must put your customers in a better position than where they were before buying your product or service.
Your product or service must deliver a "win" instead of a "result".
Your product or service must do what you claim it does
If five plastic surgeons can perform the same procedure, how can these doctors differentiate themselves? They all claim they know how to perform the procedure.
Your product or service must provide unquestionable value
Who is measuring the value received?
Your product or service must put your customers in a better position than where they were before buying your product or service
Who will the business owner determine if the product or service can put the customer in a better position?
Your product or service must deliver a "win" instead of a "result"
Two different real estate agents can sell two similar homes with buyers receiving totally different sales experiences.
If this episode/article provoked some deep thought about improving your sales performance, please do not hesitate to contact me, Rick Nappier, at 726-999-0999. Or, if you are Spanish language business owner, please contact Yeilyn Rodriguez, VP, Business Development specialist at 786-697-3400. Ms. Rodriguez is fluent in both Spanish and English.
Interested parties can click here to visit our website. Then, click the Questionnaire tab to complete the 5-minute questionnaire so 321 Biz Dev can learn more about your current sales situation or learn about your current or past experiences with trying to improve sales performance. A 321 Biz Dev specialist will contact you within two business days to review your responses.
We hope your enjoyed today’s post and linked podcast episode. Please check out the podcast episode for a lot more content on this subject matter.
Rick, CEO
Yeilyn, VP
Demi, VP